Project: Trackr

Trackr is a desktop tracking application used to keep track of order, suppliers and tasks. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Contributions to code base:
    • Enabled assertions in gradle. #156
    • Updated link in help command. #80
    • Completed find and delete command for task, together with the respective descriptor and predicate. #98
      • Justification: Allows the user to be able to find tasks by multiple fields instead of only the name.
      • Highlights: Was used to make the predicate and command for find command for order.
      • Credit: Code is adapted from AddressBook-Level3 created by SE-EDU initiative
    • Completed clear command for task. #102
    • Refactored models and commands, together with abstracting out certain components. #138, #139, #187
      • Justification: There were a lot of repeated code for commands (such as add, edit and delete) for each model (such as Supplier and Task) and . Hence, this would reduce duplicate code for similar functionality just for different models.
    • Abstracted out common models (such as Name and Deadline). #138
      • Justification: There are repeated use of similar classes with the same functionality. Hence, this reduces duplicate code.
    • Add in missing test cases. #283
      • Justification: Improve test coverage
  • Contributions to the User Guide:
    • Drafted initial documentation for tab, delete_task, delete_supplier, find_task, find_supplier, edit_task. #47
    • Drafted initial documentation for add_supplier, edit_supplier. #72
    • Drafted initial documentation for list_supplier, list_order, list_task, list_item, clear_supplier, clear_order, clear_task, clear_item, find_order. #198
    • Overhaul of the structure of how the User Guide is designed and implemented. #267
    • Added in figures and tips to allow for better user experience. #267
    • Fix formatting and informational errors in the entire User Guide. #267
  • Contributions to the Developer Guide:
    • Added UML diagrams and wrote the content for Model, Item, Person-Supplier-Customer, Task and FindXYZCommand. #150
    • Updated diagrams to svg for better readability and quality, together with labelling of the diagrams. #157, #166
    • Updated target user profile, user stories and use cases. #166
  • Review/Mentoring contributions:
    • Provided recommendations on how to implement respective features.
    • Help teammates with issues with their code base.
  • Project management:
    • Initialised GitHub Project, issues tracking and flow of PRs.
    • Lead weekly meetings and work delegation.
    • Keep track of datelines and give timely reminders.
  • Community:
    • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #89, #97, #105, #120
  • Tools:
    • Java 11, JavaFX, Grade, JUnit