Project: AddressBook Level 3

Trackr is a desktop application used to keep track of order, suppliers and tasks. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense link
    • Added Order and Customer Models including all field classes [#100] (, [#107] (
    • Updated Storage related classes to allow for the storage of Order objects [#114] (
    • Completed add and delete commands for Order objects [#120] (
    • Completed upload csv feature [\178] (
      • Justification: Allow users to transfer existing data from their excel sheet to trackr efficiently.
    • Updated and fixed Order related bugs [#272] (
  • Review / Peer Help:
    • Helped teammates with debugging and implementation issues.
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Documented upload csv feature [#185] (
    • Developer Guide:
      • Updated UML Diagrams for Logic component [#154] (
      • Added activity diagram for ListCommand [#171] (
  • Community:
    • Approved a number of PRs
  • Tools:
    • Java 11, JavaFx